Friday, February 10, 2012

I am crazy and I know it!

Well let me start off with the fact that I don't sleep, so I needed a hobby I could do during the night that wouldn't bother my kids. So I thought what do I do best, I talk.
I warn you now I'm not a writer, I may have grammar mistakes that drive you crazy I apologize. I just have so many feelings and thoughts that I want to share in hopes of providing support or just a laugh to people.
Friends, strangers and family always tell me I should write a book. I have so many crazy things happen in my life. Now I feel that will be tough before a few people die in my life. It is hard to tell a true story without insulting people.
I do understand that my thoughts are my perspective on things and that their are two sides to every story. However, I feel that my side is for the most part always right.
So I just celebrated 1 year since I left my husband and yes I did mean I celebrated!!!I went shopping for something for me. I have done this on every occasion this year. I am doing this because in my marriage I was the one that always went without. This shows me that I can make my life a celebration of me and I don't need someone to do it for me. Sounds easy, but I find it tough. I always put others needs before mine, but I feel that at some point you have to take yourself into consideration.
I don't want this blog to a site to complain at, I want it to be a journey of learning and love.
My daughter always says that she needs a show on the $%&* my mom says. I do tend to put all my thoughts out there. Some I think I am brilliant, others I think that was awful and shame on me for feeling people needed to know that.

I should do an intro to myself. I am very privileged to be a mother to three wonderful children. I started my family young and have been able to grow with them through the years. My kids think I'm crazy,but seem to love me still. I love to dance and sing, even though I can do neither well. I blame my father completely for not seeing the potential in me to be a great dancer and put me in lessons. For that people suffer all the time with my attempt to be a passionate dancer. I will take dance lessons some year a fulfill that dream.

I am supervisor to an organization that is very close to my heart and that I love being a part of.

I am currently taking my four year degree in Human Services Major!

I have my hand in many pots, this is to keep me busy beyond belief. Oh also because I'm a sucker for punishment. I am great at being made to feel people need me, then I volunteer to do everything. I do find pleasure in being an active member of my small committee. I feel it benefits my children even when I'm ready to ripe my hair out because people are nuts! They have issues that they feel because you were stupid enough to volunteer to help you must want to be yelled at!

I never stop talking and often fool myself into believing people want to hear what I have to say and that they may learn from my great insightfulness. I'm sure they just want me to be quiet for once. At least with a Blog it is the readers choice to continue on with my dialogue .

I tend to always be moving, sitting is difficult for me to do. At least i have a clean house every time I get bored.

I will try to keep this Blog up and running. I'm hoping my journey of divorce, single parenting and being a hopeless romantic will entertain you. I laugh at myself daily, so you can join me in my crazy life! Hopefully you will laugh too and not groan or cry.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging. From one person who doesn't sleep to another. And good for you for celebrating yourself with a shopping trip. You deserve it!
